Random Ramblings


This awesome girl is the sister I never had. We've known each other forever, and I don't know where I'd be without her. ("-sniff-")

Name: Kaitlyn

Nickname: Kata

Kata is a logical thinker who uses her heart as a guide. Remember that saying, "Best friends just know?"  That's us. Even though she won't confess, she's an amazing writer. ("Aw, you're just throwing compliments around! Why won't you say anything nice to me?!") She's my fellow Grammar Nazi. We both have no idea what color her hair is, so we've decided it's a mix of everything. Kinda like herself. She's quiet and laid-back to outsiders, but when Kata'swith us, she's anything but! Kata thinks things through before she acts.

So, another friend of mine, is going to be showing up in some pictures soon. So, she basically demanded me to make a profile thing for her. ("Now Niya, you know she did not demand you. Just...wanted one with passion.")

Nickname: Darn...I'll have to get her one.

She's a girl who thinks with her her heart. When she talks, she will be heard, whether you want to listen or not. She's the worse speller I know, too. ("Niya, now that's just mean.") I don't mean that in a bad way. I mean it in the most endearing way. She is loud and rambunctious. She acts and then asks questions later. She's the kind of person you can't stay mad at.


That, my dear viewers, is Kailani. She is one of my best friends ever, and nothing will ever change that.

Name: Carrie Not-telling-you-her-last-name ("Her last name is--") I'm sorry for the unfortunate inconvenience, but Tifa is not functioning properly. Please come back at a later date.

Nickname: Kailani

She is tall to my short, talkative to my quietness, blonde to my brunette. We are as opposite as we can get. But I really don't think we could be any closer. ("Aw! Niya, you're gonna make me cry!")

She thinks mostly with her heart, but also with her head. When she wants something done, she won't stop at anything to achieve it. She will argue if she doesn't agree with something you're saying.

Do not say any blonde jokes around her. You have been warned. ("-nods head really fast-")